Fireworks. A nutritional bonanza! Enzymes, polyphenols, probiotics, sulforaphane, vitamins, first-class fibre, phytochemicals, macro and micronutrients. Loads of flavour flav, in active forms.
- Cold-pressed hemp juice with CDP-choline
- Raw daikon and broccoli sprouts with cayenne pepper and mint
- Radicchio and pear salad with mustard dressing
- Kimchi, black rice and holy basil
- Wild mushrooms with garlic and deglycyrrhised licorice
- Cavolo nero and lion's mane with toasted almonds
- Grass-fed Charolais entrecĂ´te with Savoy cabbage, chestnuts and neurolipids OR Pike 'au vin' with wild herbs and purple potatoes
- Pistachio and olive oil cake with clementine nice cream and lavender honey OR Iced wild berries with hot white chocolate sauce
- Reishi'n chaga coffee
- Date chocolates with sea salt crystals